Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Great BV Roller Coaster

If you are one of the thousands of lucky women to experience the roller-coaster of bacterial vaginosis you are not alone! If you are like me you have been to plenty of doctors who happily tell you "it's normal" hand you an RX for flagyl aka metronidazole and send you on your merry way. At first your hopeful and after the first few days of taking a nasty medication that leaves an even nastier taste in your mouth that you can try to rinse away with mouthwash so long as it doesn't contain so much as a drop of alcohol, you begin to notice those nasty uncomfortable feelings and that ungodly oder seems to be going away until.. Lord have mercy it's gone! You have been cured! You want to tell yourself it was like a bad dream. You feel like it is all behind you. Like your the smiling girl in those yeast infection commercials. Amen!  Then a couple of months later EVEN a couple of weeks later your holding on tightly while you prepare for this physical and emotional roller-coaster all over again.

We're women were suppose to be resilient but what do we have if we have the shame of this recurring disorder? I have been on this roller-coaster for over eight years. I have spent more money on doctors, specialist, nutritionist, personal trainers, cotton panties, probiotics etc! I have had to give up body wash bubble baths and so many of those girly things that seem so normal to the average women. I have a self proclaimed PHD from Google on this nasty subject. I have a husband, bless his heart who has also been treated with the antibiotics. He is the only other person who can confirm my worst fear...."your infection is back." If your like me you know that even if you really know your body your not 100% positive your infection is back until you are in the most intimate and vulnerable state, SEX. Yes SEX. Come on! 

I am so tired of the endless home remedies and opinions of those women who are lucky enough to suffer from this a time or two and feel they have it all figured out. Oh not to mention if you search enough there is a woman out there, a doctor no less who has the CURE! She has it and she is even willing to share this priceless secret of how to cure this nasty debilitating infection for only $59.95 ! Maybe she thinks this is a bargain? I think it's a slap in the face to prey on the vulnerability of women who are suffering, whose relationships and self esteems may be suffering. If you are the writer of that book please call me i have a few choice words for you. 

My story gets worse because I was pregnant from August to October and had a miscarriage. Not only did I have BV twice during that time I was convinced it had something to do with the loss of our baby. But thats a whole other blog for another day. 

If there is anyway I can help anyone out there then this all hasn't been for nothing. I am here to share my experiences and give any advice I can. After 8 years and countless doctors I feel  Optimistic maybe it's the calm before the storm. 

They say BV is the most common vaginal infection of women in their reproductive ages but I am the only women I know personally who has gone through this. I know that the drug stores have always been packed with an array of choices to help rid your yeast infection and only in the last couple of years have I seen the rephresh and the other OTC BV remedy that name escapes me at the moment. SO if this is SO common why the hell am I still suffering!!!

Today is February 5th. I had an appointment with a new doctor who is on my side ready to go into battle with me. She prescribed Tindamax for both myself and my husband. Yes I know what your thinking "does her husband have a vagina?" No. As far as I know he does not but this doctor isn't the first doctor to suggest he get treated as well. At this point if she suggested my dog take it I would say why the hell not! 

I'm on a mission ladies. I am going to post my progress and answer any questions you may have. If this medication doesn't work I wont stop until...well you get the idea. If your reading this and are shaking your head in agreement to any of it you know this is bullshit! Stay tuned & tell me your story! Respond to this blog or shoot me an email. 




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Karen,

      I wanted You to know I posted an update but I did not hit reply. Bare with my I'm new at this.

    2. Hey Karen, just checking in. Wanting to see if you have found any relief? I'm writing an update now. I have been BV free for almost 2 years!

  2. Hi Karen,

    Sorry I have been absent for so long. Well 3 days after my husband and I were done with our round of tindamax it came back. I am going to post an updated blog with all of the fun details of that story but more to the point for you...I have been referred to an infectious disease specialist. I am still awaiting their approval should be a day or so and I will have my first appointment with them to see what they can tell me. As for you and your symptoms that sounds all too familiar. What medications have you tried?

  3. Hello! I came across your blog a couple of weeks ago and I can definitely feel your frustration. This is the most frustrating sickness I've ever had. It goes away for a few months for me after antibiotics then comes back. It's also super embarrassing because even though it is the "most common" infection...no one I know has had this. I could go on and on w/ my complaints....I, too, have a Phd in Google research!:) I have my own theories on why this is happening. What other treatments have you tried besides antibiotics? I'm terribly sorry for your miscarriage, especially if you feel BV was the cause. Also, they have referred me to an inf specialist before, but I have not gone. Keep me updated and let me know if they do anything differently then the gyno.

    Karen, what antibiotics did you try?

    1. Hi Steffy

      First as happy as I am to share my experiences with someone it's a bummer to find out that so many women are going through what I'm going through. But this happens to be a club no one wants to be a member of but I'm no holds barred at this point hoping to help and get some insight from from others.

      When I say I have tried everything I mean everything but that's not too much help so I am going to post an updated comment on here right now and I will answer that question. Stay tuned...

    2. @ Steffy,

      Go on with your complaints & theories' girl! Tell us your story.

  4. Hi ladies here is an update from my blog..........

    Well if your reading this you know where I left off a month ago. Optimistic with BV but a new medication I had never heard of Tindomax for my husband and I to take. After 3 days the bitch was back. I had a mini melt down when I called my doctors office and they had me come in to run some more tests. I believe I have finally gotten their attention. I went in there last month with a 3 ring binder a BV journal I had made. Each sheet of paper was a calendar that I keep notes on each night. Each month resembles the last. "just finished BV meds" one week "Day 1 of 7 on BV meds" or " Noticed BV symptoms" "BV is back" I have kept this journal from July of 2012 and I will say it has come in handy. I am now waiting to get into see the infectious disease specialist I have now been referred to. I will make an appointment by next week and keep you ladies posted on how that goes. Oh FYI my gyno sent me for blood work looking for diabetes, lupus etc. I have not received a phone call so I believe all is normal but will call Monday morning to make sure. As for the medications & home remedies I have tried they are on my second blog. Tootles-!!

    1. do you have an update? any changes or have you found a cure?

    2. Hi. Yes I have posted a couple of updates on my blog.

  5. Hello! I'm back! I read through your new comments and blog. I'm surprised Tindamax did not work for you because the statistics online say it is better than metronidazole in resistant cases...but who knows! I took a page out of your book and made a detailed sheet to see the doc when I went this week. She has decided to put me on suppressive therapy for the next 6 weeks (ouch) because she says I should not keep getting this every few months. I agree, however, I fear that I may be stuck with this for life as some women are.

    Anyway, I am treating it initially with metrogel and then use metrogel twice a week for the next 6 weeks after. I hope it works. I'm cautious but hopeful. Have you tried this? I also bought a prebiotic gel like rephresh but all natural for when I finish treatment. It has cranberry extract for antibac, something for yeast, lactic acid to balance PH and a prebiotic to feed the good bacteria. I'm interested to try this and see how it goes. I may even try a prebiotic soap I came across online. I'm trying to take preventative steps...

    Anyway I SCOUR Pubmed and read through the studies and whatever other academic sites I get my hands on when I have time. And what I'm thinking is why it is so recurring: 1. The med is not killing all the bacteria in BV cases (for instance atopobium) even though the post medication culture will come out neg for bacteria, so the bacteria has time to re-grow, and if it's lurking down there anything extra that will set the PH off will also create BV again. OR 2. The main system that inhibited the good bacteria in the first place is still in effect, thus not treating the root cause. For instance, I just watched national geographic "Stress: The Silent Killer" and supposedly when one is in a chronic state of stress it shuts down the immune system. For years doctors thought stress caused stomach ulcers (which it kinda does) but what was really happening was that the stress shut down the immune system for however long and the good bacteria in the stomach stopped being produced letting H. Pylori take over. I don't know if this happens to women, but it certainly is something to think about. I could see how this theory might be applied but it wouldn't explain why some women get BV but not stomach ulcers and vice versa. I really don't know.

    All I know is that this is so frustrating! I am a healthy person, and I have never had issues like this before in my life. It's really depressing.

  6. Having bv as a woman is such a pain and I feel the same to all women out there who are always looking for cure for bv. I just want to say that we never should not give up and keep on believing that there is always a solution.

  7. I have suffered from bv for close to 20n years. I, like others, had tried everything I know to try. I ran upon a column about organic raw manuka honey. I make an 8oz cup of tea with it. I drink half in the am and half in the pm. Within about 5-7 days, all signs ov bv were gone. Raw honey, when mixed with water, turns into hydrogen peroxide, which has a very effecive anti-bacterial properties. I drink this everyday, sprinkled with a little McCormick cinnamon. I've heard any raw organic honey will do, but Manuka honey works best because it is medical quality honey. It's a bit expensive, but very well worth it to me. I have also found making a douche with grapefruit seed extract (to drops) and water. It has worked well for me as well. (when out of honey, I douche with this every 3-4 days). I am bv free, even after my menstrual cycle.

  8. 10 drops of grapefruit seed extract. Manuka or any type of raw honey, as well as grapefruit seed extract can be found on ebay or amazon.com

    1. Has anyone tried this? Does it really work!!? if it worked for you please comment! or send me a message!

    2. I've heard of Manuka honey. I'm actually trying just organic raw honey right now to treat this bv plague. Also when combined with Apple cider vinegar and garlic it's supposed to be a much stronger antibacterial solution.

  9. Oh my gosh this blog is the only thing ive seen that is helpful.on the subject, i got sooo sick of seeing articles about STDs and bv, when it doesn't make any sense for us women who arent sleeping around,....im so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. That would be a very hard thing to go through, and you're a strong person for getting on here and talking about it. I suspect that ive had bv for 2 years now. Doctors dont seem concerned, saying it will go away on its own is all too familiar for me. Im scheduling another appointment for a 6 month papsmear because things just arent right...i havent tried the special diets though..ill look into

    1. I completely agree with you!! It always drives me nuts to hear my doctor or read an article that says that bv is a std from having sex.. I did not have sex until I was married at 25... yet I was told I had bv at 18 I tried telling them I was not sleeping around but they did not believe me.

    2. Hi Christen, have you had any luck?!!

  10. Discover How Thousands of Women Worldwide Have Been Successful With Curing Their Embarrassing Vaginal Odors, Bacterial Vaginosis & Kept Them from Ever Returning Again ... Safely, Inexpensively & 100% Naturally in Just 3 Days


  11. Hello,

    I suffered with BV for nearly three years. Finally I decided to stop being chicken and find some natural remedies to help cure it. I took medication after medication, paid 100's of dollars, been to countless gynecologists visits and gynecologists, and it would work for maybe a day or two then it would come back. Well, I have began this new natural remedy, in just three days the odor was completely eliminated, I was no longer extremely dry down below, and the sex drive came back in full effect. I am now on my second course, there are six courses according to the severity of your problems, and I am extremely satisfied. If you would like to know how to purchase this item please email me at rebeccahall7268@gmail.com. It isn't a pill and it doesn't require a lot of work. I'm Rebecca if you are interested.

    1. Rebecca,

      The point of my blog is to share everything with those suffering with BV. If you have a great remedy please just post it. Waving a "cure" in the faces of desperate women who are suffering is cruel. And I won't have that on my blog!

  12. I have been dealing with this for 8 years now. I have tried yeast arrest inserts, hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil, vinegar, yogurt inserts, acidophilus pills, eating tons and tons of yogurt, flagyl, quit drinking soda, quit having sex, quit taking baths, (I only shower now lol) took probiotic pills, and I have only found two things for sure so far..... the antibiotics are the only thing which totally gets rid of it all for any amount of time and eating garlic keeps the fishy odor at bay. (Eat it quick and have something to drink right at hand) I eat a small piece of garlic every other day....garlic breath is way better then fishy cookie ;)
    I have not tried the vh homepathic stuff.....good and bad reviews I see
    or the vaginal wash which says it helps balance ph levels......any luck with these?

    1. Zannah I haven't had any luch with the vaginal wash but you give it a try and report back. It may work for you!

  13. Hello My name is Sarah I was first told I had bv when I was 18 years old... I had no idea how I got it but my doctor told me it had to do with having sex I told her I never had sex before but she did not believe me, she gave me a medication and told me to take it and I followed directions....fast forward to now I am 27 years old I still am Suffering from bv .... I can't say it has ever gone away and I have tried Taking acidophilous probiotic, and yogurt with live cultures. I am still searching for a cure. I have a couple of home remedies I am willing to try but I am worried that they are going to fail me: I plan on getting more probiotics and taking them daily, drinking water and organic apple cider vinegar daily, taking vitamins and garlic pills. I hope these do the trick from doing much research i have read that the only cure is to follow a low acid diet which basically means for the rest of my life I have to avoid all sugar, meat and fruit and only specific veggies.. And that is not a solution. I am trying to better my diet by adding more veggies but I cannot afford to go 100% organic nor do I have the resources around me to do that in the first place.. I have felt so alone and helpless in this search for a cure. It is nice to know that I am not a lone.... If you have any advice for me That would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Dear Sarah, I am suffering from BV as well. You are not alone! You can read more about my experiences fighting this terrible condition here: http://bacterialvaginosisforum.blogspot.com/
      Best of luck :) xx

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Hi Sarah, I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this as well. Your story sounds very similar to mine. I don't have the cure, I wish I did. My husband was just treated for bacteria in his gut and colon (sounds gross) but since then I haven't had another instance of BV. Talk to your doctor about that and if they can't help you ask to be referred to an infectious disease specialist. Have you had any relief since you posted this?

  14. Bacteria are small cells which may be harmful to skin sometimes. The best way to get rid of such infection is to use best antibacteria body and foot soap for bath and hand wash. It keeps skin healthy and fresh.

    1. Thanks Anna but by reading your comment I know you haven't experienced anything like what the other girls on this blog and I have experienced. If it were that simple I wouldn't have this blog.

  15. I have been researching 'Neem'. If it can do everything that I've been reading, I pray that we have a winner.
    http://www.discoverneem.com/neem-benefits.html this is a very informative free link. Not trying to sell a product here just wanting to give informative information to other women who have been suffering as myself. If anyone has tried neem please share results.

  16. Hey Amber can you give us more information about this? I've never heard of it. And tell us your story. Thanks!

  17. Hi Kimberly, thanks for sharing your experience. I've been suffering with this too. What happened when you went to the infectious disease Doctor? My Gynae also asked me to see inf disease Doctor and I'm super scared?

  18. My best friend had BV in pregnancy and she used all type of remedies her doctor recommended.

  19. Just want to say thank you to the women sharing stories and hope. I have been married to the same man for over 30 yrs. I haven't been with anyone but him since I got married. This whole thing about the cause being having many sexual partners is not correct and it's terrible to suggest that, when it's obviously not accurate. In fact none of the "so called" causes apply to me. It seems when my hormones feel out of whack, that's when I get it. Lately, I get it constantly. I'm not wanting to go to dr. I've tried some of these "cures", but they only work temporarily. I just bought some Manuka honey. I heard a naturopath say you could mix the Manuka honey with some warm water to dissolve it, then use a dropper to put in eyes and ears for infections. I'm wondering if making a Manuka douche might help?? If it works for eye and ear infections?? I'll let you know if it works. Please keep posting ideas and don't ever feel ashamed!

  20. I just tried manuka honey today. Put some on a tampon and plan to do this for 3 days,rinsing with some diluted ACV (apple cider vinegar) at night.

    I've had mixed success with ACV. Seems to work, but only til the next period or sex. Same with garlic.

    So manuka honey is my nuclear option.

    What about douching with diluted ACV? I keep reading that douching is bad, but it sure seems to help if it has ACV.

  21. Hello all, I used Goldenseal to treat a bacterial sinus infection and noticed it took care of my BV as well as the horrible smell is gone. I just put 28 drops in my water three times per day for seven days and it has taken care of the problem.

    1. this will be a good one to try. Thanks for the tip!

  22. A teaspoon of Manuka honey in 8oz water everyday has worked for me for the past 2 months and they used to occur monthly so this seems very hopeful.
